What Is a Care Manager and How Can They Help You?

What does a Care Manager do?
Care Managers are nurses that work closely with your doctor to help guide you through the health care system, improve your health and well-being, and more. As a Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO member, there is no cost for you to work with a dedicated Care Manager. From helping you understand your medications to helping to prevent return trips to the hospital, and answering any questions or concerns you have, your Care Manager is there to support you.
In your corner
Health care can be overwhelming. Your Care Manager will make sure you understand your options and help you get the services and care you need.
Stay healthy
Care Managers don’t just help if you are sick or injured. If you’re looking to start an exercise program, improve your diet, or reach your health goals, your Care Manager can help.
Recover at home
If you are hospitalized, your Care Manager can help make your transition home easier. Your Care Manager will make sure you receive the right services to help prevent return trips to the hospital, including getting care at home if you need it and making follow-up appointments with your doctor.
Manage your chronic condition
If you have a condition such as diabetes, heart failure, or lung disease, your Care Manager can help you develop health goals and help ensure you receive the right services and resources.
How to work with a Care Manager
A Care Manager is available to all Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO members. For more information about working with a Care Manager, call Member Services at 1-800-701-9000 (TTY: 711).