Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage Care Management Services

How Care Managers Help
Did you know a Care Manager is available to any member who feels he or she could benefit from a little extra help?
It’s true. Our Care Managers are nurses who work closely with the member’s doctor. Care Managers are available to all Tufts Health Plan members at no cost.
As a caregiver for a Tufts Health Plan member, you can work with a Care Manager to help you navigate the often complicated health care system. Health care can be overwhelming as there is a lot of information to keep track of and important decisions to make. A Care Manager can help by making sure you understand treatment options and get the services and care that is needed. A Care Manager can also work with the member’s doctor to provide education and services, and assist you in learning helpful ways to better manage your loved ones condition(s).
To learn more about working with a Care Manager, call Member Services at 1-800-701-9000 (TTY: 711).