Your Guide to Weight Loss Over 60

Weight Loss Basics
The basics of weight loss are the same at any age—burn more calories than you consume and eat a healthy diet with more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and leaner cuts of meat. But as you age your metabolism slows down making it difficult to lose unwanted weight. In addition, you may not be as active as you used to be.
Weight Loss Over 60 Is Possible! Here Are 4 Ways to Get Started
1. Put Some Muscle in Your Weight Loss Plan
It is common to experience a reduction of muscle mass as you age. But you can fight back by staying active and engaging in moderate strength training activities such as lifting weights, yoga, or Pilates. Don’t know where to start? Use these tips to jump-start your fitness plan and reach your weight loss goals.
Did you know Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO and Access (PPO) plan members can use their Wellness Allowance to join a gym or take a fitness class (such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi, or aerobics), plus many more options!
2. Eating Well Means Living Well
Your daily food choices make a big difference in your overall health and can make or break your weight loss goals. It’s no secret that practicing good nutrition helps your body get all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best. Drinking plenty of water and preparing meals yourself (as opposed to packaged foods) can help ensure you eat healthier. Discover more tips to good nutrition here.
3. Stress and Weight Loss: An Unhealthy Mix
Stress can cause you to make poor eating choices like skipping meals or overeating. You can develop techniques that help you react to stress in healthier ways. Yoga and meditation are two ways to help develop mindfulness. Assess your stress level with this handy tool.
Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO and Access (PPO) plan members can use their Wellness Allowance to take a yoga class!
4. Try a Weight Loss Program
Weight loss programs can help you reach your weight loss goals and develop healthy eating habits that last. Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO and Access (PPO) plan members can save on weight management programs!
Discuss your weight loss concerns with your physician to determine the right health and wellness plan for you. With proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and a healthy mental outlook, you’ll be hitting all your goals in no time.
Discounts and services included in the Preferred Extras program are not plan benefits and are not subject to the Medicare appeals process.
Resources & Tools
Drug Search
Use the drug search tools to find out if your drugs are covered and which tier they fall under on your plan type.
Find a Doctor
Find a doctor within your Tufts Health Plan Medicare Preferred HMO network or your Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options network.
Health Library A-Z
Tufts Health Plan has partnered with Healthwise to provide members with access to a library of high-quality content on conditions, treatments and more.