
Drug Coverage Information

Learning about your Drug Coverage options and how to use them is essential! Use this page to learn how to search for a covered drug, look up a nearby pharmacy, or research how best to use your drug coverage.


Drug & Pharmacy Search

Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage uses Formularies to list the prescription drugs that each of our different plan types cover. You can use the search tools below to find out if your drugs are covered and which tier they fall under on your plan type. You can also use the Pharmacy Search tool to find a pharmacy near you.

Drug & Pharmacy Search

Drug Coverage Article Library

Whether you’re looking for information on home delivery services for you drug coverage or an overview on the “donut hole”, our Drug Coverage section covers it all! Use the link below to explore important drug coverage topics in our Using Your Plan article library.

Drug Coverage Article Library
Forms/Docs Rx Page.png

Forms & Documents

Plan documents, such as your plan's Evidence of Coverage, provide members with a comprehensive look at what benefits are available in their plan and how they can be used.

Plan forms allow members to submit claims, request drug redeterminations, designate representatives for their care, and more!

You can use the links below to be directed to the documents or forms page to review important material related to your plan and Rx needs!

View Forms View Documents

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a federal law passed by Congress in 2022 to help improve Medicare. The IRA requires all Medicare Advantage plans (not just Tufts Health Plan) to make changes to Medicare drug benefits across multiple years. Click the link below to learn more.

View IRA Information & Resources