Advance Care Planning
Ensuring the care you receive is the care you want

At Tufts Health Plan, we’re working to guide and empower healthier lives for everyone, on every step of their health care journey. Our Advance Care Planning program offers resources to help ensure that your health care goals are understood and documented, and that the care you receive is the care you want.
We offer this through our partnership with Honoring Choices MA, a nonprofit organization focused on the rights of every adult to direct their health care decisions and create a plan to receive the best possible care — that honors their values and choices — all through their lives.
So, let us help you plan for the unexpected. By having certain documentation in place — like a health care proxy and power of attorney — you can protect your health care choices and preserve your assets if you are unable to communicate your wishes.
Our Care Managers can also help, by ensuring you understand treatment options and get the necessary services and care. To learn more about working with a Care Manager, call Member Services at (800) 701-9000 (TTY: 711).
Check out these free, easy-to-understand resources provided by Honoring Choices, and start taking control of your health care decisions today:
For Massachusetts members:
- Find out how to get started
- Completing your health care proxy form
- Completing your personal directive (living will) form
- Learn about the next steps
Need Massachusetts care planning documents in another language?
Download translated health care proxy and personal directive forms & instructions